Hi, I am Nichole and my blog is pretty much a place where I can outlet and argue about the topics of my choice. All I basiclly do here is share my opinion, if you don't like I would hope you are mature enough to not add your negitive comments. Thanks, Nic
Published on February 25, 2004 By Nichole Mcgarey In Blogging
I am so tired of my life consisting of cold black coffee debates with repeated answers and cheesy music from the 1980's . I am so young and I have been through so much. I mean... I am sure everyone says that, many people would cringe to hear the stories of my life. That is just what every pathetic teenager says ...believe me I know. I am so sick of people judging me, I walk down the street with my girlfriend and I hear " you fucking dykes are going to hell!" I want to fucking kick the shit out of people who do that shit ! Its like who the fuck are they to tell me where I am going when I die? The funniest thing happened the other day, Some fucking crack whore bitch was on the buss the other day eying my necklace with a bold rainbow on it. If looks could kill I would be Sharon Tate to this bitch, anyways I was pretty much staring her down I am not ashamed of who I am so I figure I have no reason to back down. I am looking at her and I notice her track marks and scabs on her face...I fucking doubt she was diabetic. The nerve of people just amaze me, I sit quietly on the bus to visit my girlfriend almost every weekend ( a 3 hour ride) What makes people think that they can just ask "so...are you gay, because if you are you are going to hell?" As though it is just a question, nothing offending . I think I will buy a shirt that says "HI IM GAY TELL ME I WILL BURN FOR ALL OF ETERNITY BECAUSE IF YOU TELL ME THAT I WILL START DATING MEN AND YOUR SINS WILL BE FORGOTTEN AND GOD WILL LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU MADE ME REALIZE HOW MUCH OF A FUCKING IDIOT I AM!!!" actually, i think that is too much for a shirt. oh well fuck it... and fuck anyone who thinks they have the grace to judge me!
Love, ME

on Apr 21, 2004
No-one has the right to judge you, except you....

Who you are and what you do with your time on this planet is entirely your choice. If people are judging you for your choices in life.....

then it is really they who have the issues to deal with.

Be yourself, and ignore the fools.
