Hi, I am Nichole and my blog is pretty much a place where I can outlet and argue about the topics of my choice. All I basiclly do here is share my opinion, if you don't like I would hope you are mature enough to not add your negitive comments. Thanks, Nic
and stupidity
Published on April 21, 2004 By Nichole Mcgarey In Misc
I feel as though my life has equaled out in some way. Tonight I feel especially calm, the good and bad aspects of my life seem to level out. I am at a point in my life when I can save money, and hold down a job and a relationship and school. I am losing a lot of weight, and I can say i am proud of myself. I like the fact I am making adult choices. It is something small but I like the feeling of responsible. I talked to my brother in law today and I like the fact that I can give him advice on school and I can help him with his personal matters. I feel like mentally and physically I have my life in order. Which is not such a big deal but I have not had the most conventional up bringing and the fact that i am turning out ok excites me. I dropped out in the 7th grade and I am graduating next year. I have a semesters worth of work done in 3 weeks. 2004 must be my year to get it together because right now in my life things are clicking into place. Oh yeah and I am getting a car, my mother or my father has never driven a car. I should have my permit in may, and I have a car being bought in June. Nothing fancy just a personal achievement. I am just proud that I have more going for me at 17 then my parents do at 38.

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