Hi, I am Nichole and my blog is pretty much a place where I can outlet and argue about the topics of my choice. All I basiclly do here is share my opinion, if you don't like I would hope you are mature enough to not add your negitive comments. Thanks, Nic
So Fuck off
Published on February 23, 2004 By Nichole Mcgarey In Blogging
I think as a homosexual I should have the personal freedom to marry as any other american does. If you consider it shoved down your throat... i think that is called prejudice. I don't think my sexuallity should be desided right or wrong. It is no ones place. My sexuality is my freedom. I want to be recognized as a family as much as anyone. I don't need to blame Bush because he has incriminated himself. The fact of the matter is I am american and my family should be taken into account regardless of whom agrees.
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