Hi, I am Nichole and my blog is pretty much a place where I can outlet and argue about the topics of my choice. All I basiclly do here is share my opinion, if you don't like I would hope you are mature enough to not add your negitive comments. Thanks, Nic
Published on February 26, 2004 By Nichole Mcgarey In Misc
Ever have one of those days when you feel like shit?? I have a horrid ear infection and I feel like my brain is melting. I also have a fucking concert to go to on Tuesday and I have front row, that would usally be a great thing, my girl and I are going to see saves the day and it is one of our favorite bands. I am just miserable, I want to put a knife in my head. I hate hospitals and I have to go tomorrow, this officially blows. I am just having a horrible horrible day. I was talking to my "brother" ( more of a in-law) yesterday, when I was introduced to my girlfriend about 2 years ago he was dating my best friend, ( he is my girlfriend's brother) they recently had a horrible break up and she started dating another guy. This is actually quite complicated but when my ex-best friend and I stopped talking me and Jareth ( the brother) started hating each other. Since him and Rachelle broke up him and I have gotten really close. I mean I love him so much now, we are the closest and we have a lot in common. I think of him as a brother and I personally cherish him. When I called him last night I learned that he may get back with his ex. AHHHHHHHHH!!!! well thats what is in my head, we talked for a hour or so, I told him exactly how I felt and he promised our relationship would not suffer. My girlfriend Mara is so pissed she wants to kick her ass. My girl friend and I personally agree that Rachelle does not desirve Jereth, and I told him that. I was asking if it was my place to say that to him and he said my opinion is very important to him and he wanted to know. I am just so mad over this... when she left him for some clean cut, no piercings dude, WE had to pick up the pieces. when he missed her WE listened to him cry. WE were ther to talk to him, and listen to him. and now after this Rachelle's new boyfriend left her she can just have Jereth to fall back on. I HATE BITCHES.
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