Hi, I am Nichole and my blog is pretty much a place where I can outlet and argue about the topics of my choice. All I basiclly do here is share my opinion, if you don't like I would hope you are mature enough to not add your negitive comments. Thanks, Nic
Nichole Mcgarey's Articles In Blogging
February 25, 2004 by Nichole Mcgarey
I am horrible because I do not care what anyone thinks. I am a bigot because I do not care about who gets in my way. I am biased because I happen to fight for my rights. I am opinionated and my peers don't understand that. I am really young but I know what I want. I am determined to be happy. I am still going to fight regardless of who disagrees. I am Nichole Mcgarey.
February 25, 2004 by Nichole Mcgarey
I am so tired of my life consisting of cold black coffee debates with repeated answers and cheesy music from the 1980's . I am so young and I have been through so much. I mean... I am sure everyone says that, many people would cringe to hear the stories of my life. That is just what every pathetic teenager says ...believe me I know. I am so sick of people judging me, I walk down the street with my girlfriend and I hear " you fucking dykes are going to hell!" I want to fucking kick the shit ...
February 25, 2004 by Nichole Mcgarey
I am so tired of continuously arguing with ignorance. People think it is right to segrigate, or they say they are neutral and they are not. When you say that you are neutral yet, you continuously argue against the topic it is NOT neutral. I do not come into your lives and tell you you can not marry your wife because she is morbidly obese and smells like donkey droppings do I? What makes you people think it is acceptable to tell me I am wrong for wanting to marry some one because she is a woman...
February 23, 2004 by Nichole Mcgarey
I think as a homosexual I should have the personal freedom to marry as any other american does. If you consider it shoved down your throat... i think that is called prejudice. I don't think my sexuallity should be desided right or wrong. It is no ones place. My sexuality is my freedom. I want to be recognized as a family as much as anyone. I don't need to blame Bush because he has incriminated himself. The fact of the matter is I am american and my family should be taken into account regardles...